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The derivative of the word Yadnya (Sacrifice), as per Grammar, is as follows :- 1) Yajanam Indradi Dewanam Pujanam Yadnyaha, 2) Ijyante Dewa Aneneti Yadnyaha, 3) Ijyante Dewa Asminniti Yadnyaha, 4) Ijyante Devo Bhyo Sminniti Yadnyaha

Apart from this, Iske Atirikt Yadnyo Vai Vishnuhu: 1, Agnirvaidnyaha 2, Purusho Vai Yadnyaha 3, Waru Vai Yadnyaha 4, Prajapati Vai Yadnyaha 5, Adhwaro Vai Yadnyaha 6, Yadnyo Vai Namaha 7, Yadnyo Hi Sarwani Bhutani Bhunakti 8, Yadnyo Vai Madhu Saradhyam 9, Yadnyo Vai Visho Yadnyo Srani Bhutani Nishtani 10, Brahma Hi Yadnya, 11, Atma Vai Yadnyaha 12, Yadnyo Vai Shreshthatam Karma 13, Yadnyo Vai Mahima 14, Purusho Vai Yadnyaha 15, Yadnyo Avihi Rutasya Yonihi 16, Retowa Atra Yadnyaha 17, Aadi | etc. are also there.

Basically, YAGNA (Yadnya) is divided into two parts Shrout and Smart. The one edited by ‘SHRUTI’ is Shrout Yadnya and that performed by "SMRUTI" is Smart Yadnya (SMART YAGNA). ‘Aupasun ...............Shulgan’ are 7 SMART YAGNA SANSTHA.... Agneshtom ..... Apnoyami’ are 7 SOM SANSTHA, according to GAUTAM DHARMA SUTRA. According to Etareya Brahman - ‘Agnihotra ........ Somyag’ are the 5 parts of ‘Vaidic Shrot YAGNA’.

(18) The SUN itself is one fire - ball; and the AGNI (Fire) is by nature, the food eater. The AGNI needs food, every moment; and it is destroyed, if the food becomes unvailable. The food that is sacrificed, in this ‘SAUR ANNAD AGNI’ Saur Annad Agni, is SOM, which belongs to Parmeshthi Mandal - (19) This SOM is constantly offered in SAURAGNI, and that is the power of the SUN. The offerings of SOM, in Annad - roop - Sauragni’ is the first YAGNA (Sacrifice) -

(20) The brightness of the SUN is the result of this sacrifice of SOM. The ‘Surya - Pind - Sauragni’, is quite dark, and there is no possibility of any Light, in it. -

(21) When the supply of food, in the form of SOM, is

obstructed, the SUN is destroyed, and this itself is known as ‘the night of Bramha; and the period of Yagna, by offering the SOM, is the ‘Punya Kal’ of the SUN. The World is the Power of SUN, and its dissolution, is the final destruction.

(22) The Agni, emitted from the SUN, and spreading in "SAMVATSAR MANDAL", is known as ‘Rutagni’ (Rutagni). Similarly, the SOM, produced by ‘Chandra Mandal’, and spreading in this SAMVATSAR MANDAL is called Rutsom. The offerings of Rutsom, in Rutagni, produce the six seasons - Spring, etc.

(23) Both, the Rutagni and SOM, hold the power, over the Seasons, but the importance is that of AGNI, amongst the two. The period during which the progress of the fire - sprinkles Agnikan, starts in the spread SOM, is known as Vasant, due to the progress of the atoms of Agni. When the atoms of fire, increase and absorb the substances, it is known as "GREESHMA" (SUMMER). When the fire - particles increase, in the great degree, more heat is produced, and it is called ‘VARSHA’ MONSOON (Rainy Season). The fire atoms increase gradually, during these 3 seasons. The period during which, the fire atoms become thin, is known as ‘SHARAD’ (AUTUMN). When the fire particles, diminish further, it is ‘HEMANT’ (Cold Season) and when they get extremely diminished, it is ‘SHISHIR’ (Winter). This is possible only due to the natural reactions.

Parthiv Sanstha Yagna :-

(1) "Esha Vai Bhutanam Pruthivi Rasaha |’ - The World is ‘Bhut’ (Matter), as it is the juice of ‘Bhut’ (One of the elements). This yagna is performed, by offering ‘Samvatsar Ret Shukra’ to the Parthivagni.

(24) When these two get combined, eight additional parts of kumaragni, and also Chitragni are formed; and with the help of ‘SOM’, in the form of the Moon, the substances like Dhatu, Updhatu - Rus, Uprus, Vish, Upvish, beasts, birds, Saree - srup are formed.

ADHYATMIK YAGNA (Adhyatmik Yadnya)

This yagna is related to the conjugal relation of father - mother also. The mother’s absorption is like fire, and Shukra (Semen) of the Father is gentle. When this mild Shukra is sacrificed in the firy vagina, the human - beings are created. The whole World is created, by the sacrifice, in the form of Chemical Combination of Agni and SOM. When this reaction terminates, the whole Universe is destroyed.

(25) To sacrifice the leaping organs, in the control over them. (26) To sacrifice APAN in PRAN, and PRAN in APAN, is yagna. (27) The change of Mind into speech’, after coming into PRAN, and the transfer of speech into Mind again, this process is known as Yagna.

(28) According to Swami Dayanand, "Not only the Invisible is produced by performing yagna, but even the Vayu is purified by that. In the Deeds from AGNIHOTRA to ASHWAMEDH 4 substances are sacrificed - First - Sweet smelling Kasturi and Keshar (Saffron) - Second - Sweet tasting Raw Sugar (Gud) Gul and Honey, Third - Nourishing GHEE, Milk, food etc. and Fourth - Medicine eliminating Diseases. By purifying and properly mixing, all of them, if they are sacrificed in Fire, then the Air and Water get purified.

(29) Effect of Yagna - Kund on the Speed of Space :-

The various effects in the SKY, are observed due to different offerings in the Sacrifice. If the PIT is deep, the speed of Yayu - Mandal is straight, but this happens, due to the wide and narrow pits of the large area. Hence, the Mandal from World to Heaven, is filled with small parts, of offerings of Ghee etc.

Production of Clouds by Yagna :-

Clouds are produced by Yagna. (31) Rain is produced from Clouds. (32) and the increase of Rain-fall is also produced by Clouds. (33) There is a reference of increase by the process of yagna also. (34) The temperature of the air in the Sky, increases due to Agni of Sacrifice, and thereby, more quantity of water gets accumulated. When the process of Yagna, comes to an end, the temperature of the Air, affected by Yagna, gradually diminishes, and the volume of steam in that air decreases, and Humidity slowly increases, and due to this, the clouds appear in the Sky.

Rain - fall due to Sacrifice :-

The small particles of Ghee and other offerings in Yagna, produce different gases, and the yagna produces Carbon and Dust - particles, and they unite in the clouds. When the particles of Ghee combine with the water particles, they remain on the Upper layer and accumulate there, as they are lighter in weight. (35) Dr. Hampkin has stated, that the steam particles produced by the Sacrificial Ghee, destroy the germs of Diseases.

Colonel King, the Sanitary Commissioner of Madras, had advised the students, the perform yagna, by mixing Ghee and Saffron, as the gases produced thereby, kill the

germs of Diseases. He want so far to say, that the English word, ‘HYGIENE’ was probably derived from the word ‘Havan’.

(36) In 1912 A.D., one article on ‘Havan’ was published, in "Indian Review", in which the opinion of Dr. TRILIT was given. This clearly indicates that the Sacrificial Air destroys the Diseases.

(37) In the case of Rain-fall produced by the natural reactions, the water on the surface of the World, reaches the Sky, in the form of steam, due to the reaction between the Sun and Air and it results in the Rain. Therefore, the Rain is known, as the aim of sacrifice.

(38) In yagna, all the actions take place, due to the fire, hence, ‘Agni is the producer of Rain. (39) In Yagnagni, whatever offerings are given, reach the Surya - Mandal, and make that Mandal active and thereby, the Sun carries out the process of creating the World, and producing Rain. It produces Crops. (40) The Science of yagna, is stated in Bhagwat - Geeta also - "Clouds are produced by sacrifice, they produce Rain and the food - Crops are produced by Rain. (41) Hence, Rain, Water, Food, Electricity, are the Results of sacrifice.

(42) The offerings and other substances necessary for Rain - fall:-

Only by igniting the fire the movement in the atmosphere, does not take place, and Rain is not produced, but the Ghee and similar other substances, are also necessary, for creating solidity, Heaviness, Humidity, Fluidity, Coolness etc. in the steam. All these factors are produced by the Ghee and other liquid

substances used in the sacrifice.

(43) Division of offerings in the Antariksha (SKY) :-

The spreading of offerings, in the sky, takes place, in different degrees. A very small amount reaches the Higher position. A little more than that part, reaches the middle portion; and some more than that reaches the lower portion. One AHUTI (Obligation), is divided into many forms, and is spread into the Sky. Therefore, the offerings of Sacrifice reach the World, Sky, and Heaven.

(44) Gases produced by Sacrifice :-

Carbon - Dioxide gas is produced by burning wood in yagna. Carbon - Dioxide Gas is necessary, in the World also. It is the merit of Sacrifice, that it burns the pollution, and the balance Carbon is nourishing for the young plants and Trees, and many other elements apart from Carbon, having the germs - killing power, are produced in the atmosphere. Dr. J. Lain Nahar, M.D., F.R.C.S. has stated in his book "HYGINE - 45" that, if many persons live in Rooms, and the windows are not open, the Air there gets polluted. As a result, the amount of Carbon - Dioxide increases, and the people get fainted. Its reason is not the heat, or production of Carbon - Dioxide, but, it is due to deficiency of Oxygen in Air. The dirty substances produced by the breaths and skin of the Human - beings and beasts, die in the air. The following experiment was carried out for this - The Carbon - dioxide was removed from the air, and the gas produced from the breath of men, was preserved, and the Rat was kept in that. It proved that the gas exhaled by the man, was more poisonous than Carbon-Dioxide. But by burning Ghee substances in the sacrifice, the minute particles of Agni, are produced. And, the medicinal substances,

used in the yagna, destroy, the destructive portion, present in the Carbon - dioxide, that is produced.

(46) Dr. Hafifan of France, states that the germs of many diseases, die, by burning the Ghee in Sacrifice.

(47) Dr. SATYAPRAKASH, D.Sc., analysed scientifically, the offering substances, in Agnihotra yagna, and concluded that, the FORMALDEHYDE gas is produced, in that. Without making any change, this gas mixes in the atmosphere, and to a certain extent, it gets transformed into "Carbon Dioxide Formaldehyde". Lue & Kisar proved that Formaldehyde is a strong pesticide, which saves the substances from decaying. Kembiyar and Bronchet have proved by tests, that this Gas destroys the germs of dust. When Stalar and Riēdil prepared its 40 percent solution (40% solution), and tested it, the Typhus - B Colard and Colan germs, died in less than ten minutes.

(48) The water effected with Formaldehyde, is sprayed around, and it is preserved in utensils also.

(49) Prevention of Diseases by Sacrifice :-

Dr. Kundanlal SAMANDI, has written in his book "Yadna-Chikitsa" that Tuberculosis can be cured by this method. (50) He tested the sacrificial Gas. He took twelve glass test-tubes. Two test-tubes were filled with 6 (six) - substances like milk, flesh etc. and their ends were closed. The six test-tubes were filled with Sacrificial Gas, and their months also were closed. The result was that, the test tubes containing milk, flesh etc.

produced decay, while those containing Sacrificial Gas, got rottened after a pretty long time. Thus, the Sacrificial Air protects decaying process, even more than the pure air, containing Oxygen, from the Garden. He has also written, that if medicine to destroy T.B. is prepared, it will have more effect on the decayed lungs, due to the Tuberculosis Germs.

Purification of Water by Sacrifice :-

When the offerings of nourishing, sweet smelling, medicinal juices, together with Ghee, Honey etc. are given, their steam reaches the Sky, and it combines with the sewage present there, and destroys the garbage particles, and that steam contains nourishing, scented, medicinal materials.

Purification of Air by Sacrifice :-

The Sacrificial Gas is the purifier also. The poisonous gas emitted by smoke, petrol, Diesel, Gas etc. from factories, pollutes the atmosphere. The present Scientists guess, that if the Sky is not purified, the horrible situation will arise.

(51) In vaidic Vijnan, the method of purifying the Sky, is known as Sacrifice.

References :-

1. Sha.Bra. 1.1.1,2

2. Ta. Bra. 12.5.2

3. Sha.Bra.

4. Sha.Bra.

5. Tai.Sam. 1,3,10,10

6. Sha.Bra.,

7. Sha.Bra.

8. Sha.Bra.

9. Sha.Bra.

10. Sha.Bra.

11. Sha.Bra.

12. Sha.Bra.

13. Sha.Bra.1.7.1,8

14. Tai.Bra.

15. Sha.Bra.

16. Kau. 17.7

17. Sha.Bra. 1,3.4.16

18. Shraut Yadnyo Ka Sankshipta Parichay Pru. 62

19. Run. Sam.

20. Sha.Bra.

.21. Shu. Yaju. 33,43

22. Shrimat Bhagwat Gi. 0.17 Manu. 1.72,73

23. Pravrutamegnistu Yaha Prokta

24. Sha. Bra.

25. Gita -

26. Gita. 4.26

27. Gita. 4.29

28. Kramo Yadnyaha

29. Rugvedadi Bhashya Bhumika Pru.61

30. Yaju. 6.16

31. Gita...

32. Gita....

33. Yaju. 1.16

34. Yaju. 18,19

35. Vaidic Sampada Pru. 396

(36) Mahavir Swaroop Ke Siddhant Me Mudrit Lekh - 32 per cent, from the smoke of Pine Tree Wood (Chid Vruksha) Shuddha Khand.

(37) From the Shahbul wood, 35% and by burning 70% ‘ALDEHYDE’ is obtained. This gas destroys many diseases. It is used to clean the rooms of the Patients.

38. Yaju. 34.14

39. Yaju. 22,19

40. Manusmruti

41. Gita 3.14

42. Yaju. 28.39

45. Da.Je. Len Nahar. 1. Hygiene,

46. Yadnyashakti. Kanapha Prakashan Pa. 12.14

47. Saraswati, Aktubar 1919

48. Yadnya Shakti, Kanpur Prakashan Pru. 14

49. Da. Kundan Lal Yadnya Chikitsa

50. Yadnyashakti

 Title : SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES IN VEDAS The Massive Scientific Principles Author : Mr Harigopal Sharma

The derivative of the word Yadnya (Sacrifice), as per Grammar, is as follows :- 1) Yajanam Indradi Dewanam Pujanam Yadnyaha, 2) Ijyante Dewa Aneneti Yadnyaha, 3) Ijyante Dewa Asminniti Yadnyaha, 4) Ijyante Devo Bhyo Sminniti Yadnyaha

Apart from this, Iske Atirikt Yadnyo Vai Vishnuhu: 1, Agnirvaidnyaha 2, Purusho Vai Yadnyaha 3, Waru Vai Yadnyaha 4, Prajapati Vai Yadnyaha 5, Adhwaro Vai Yadnyaha 6, Yadnyo Vai Namaha 7, Yadnyo Hi Sarwani Bhutani Bhunakti 8, Yadnyo Vai Madhu Saradhyam 9, Yadnyo Vai Visho Yadnyo Srani Bhutani Nishtani 10, Brahma Hi Yadnya, 11, Atma Vai Yadnyaha 12, Yadnyo Vai Shreshthatam Karma 13, Yadnyo Vai Mahima 14, Purusho Vai Yadnyaha 15, Yadnyo Avihi Rutasya Yonihi 16, Retowa Atra Yadnyaha 17, Aadi | etc. are also there.

Basically, YAGNA (Yadnya) is divided into two parts Shrout and Smart. The one edited by ‘SHRUTI’ is Shrout Yadnya and that performed by "SMRUTI" is Smart Yadnya (SMART YAGNA). ‘Aupasun ...............Shulgan’ are 7 SMART YAGNA SANSTHA.... Agneshtom ..... Apnoyami’ are 7 SOM SANSTHA, according to GAUTAM DHARMA SUTRA. According to Etareya Brahman - ‘Agnihotra ........ Somyag’ are the 5 parts of ‘Vaidic Shrot YAGNA’.

(18) The SUN itself is one fire - ball; and the AGNI (Fire) is by nature, the food eater. The AGNI needs food, every moment; and it is destroyed, if the food becomes unvailable. The food that is sacrificed, in this ‘SAUR ANNAD AGNI’ Saur Annad Agni, is SOM, which belongs to Parmeshthi Mandal - (19) This SOM is constantly offered in SAURAGNI, and that is the power of the SUN. The offerings of SOM, in Annad - roop - Sauragni’ is the first YAGNA (Sacrifice) -

(20) The brightness of the SUN is the result of this sacrifice of SOM. The ‘Surya - Pind - Sauragni’, is quite dark, and there is no possibility of any Light, in it. -

(21) When the supply of food, in the form of SOM, is

obstructed, the SUN is destroyed, and this itself is known as ‘the night of Bramha; and the period of Yagna, by offering the SOM, is the ‘Punya Kal’ of the SUN. The World is the Power of SUN, and its dissolution, is the final destruction.

(22) The Agni, emitted from the SUN, and spreading in "SAMVATSAR MANDAL", is known as ‘Rutagni’ (Rutagni). Similarly, the SOM, produced by ‘Chandra Mandal’, and spreading in this SAMVATSAR MANDAL is called Rutsom. The offerings of Rutsom, in Rutagni, produce the six seasons - Spring, etc.

(23) Both, the Rutagni and SOM, hold the power, over the Seasons, but the importance is that of AGNI, amongst the two. The period during which the progress of the fire - sprinkles Agnikan, starts in the spread SOM, is known as Vasant, due to the progress of the atoms of Agni. When the atoms of fire, increase and absorb the substances, it is known as "GREESHMA" (SUMMER). When the fire - particles increase, in the great degree, more heat is produced, and it is called ‘VARSHA’ MONSOON (Rainy Season). The fire atoms increase gradually, during these 3 seasons. The period during which, the fire atoms become thin, is known as ‘SHARAD’ (AUTUMN). When the fire particles, diminish further, it is ‘HEMANT’ (Cold Season) and when they get extremely diminished, it is ‘SHISHIR’ (Winter). This is possible only due to the natural reactions.

Parthiv Sanstha Yagna :-

(1) "Esha Vai Bhutanam Pruthivi Rasaha |’ - The World is ‘Bhut’ (Matter), as it is the juice of ‘Bhut’ (One of the elements). This yagna is performed, by offering ‘Samvatsar Ret Shukra’ to the Parthivagni.

(24) When these two get combined, eight additional parts of kumaragni, and also Chitragni are formed; and with the help of ‘SOM’, in the form of the Moon, the substances like Dhatu, Updhatu - Rus, Uprus, Vish, Upvish, beasts, birds, Saree - srup are formed.

ADHYATMIK YAGNA (Adhyatmik Yadnya)

This yagna is related to the conjugal relation of father - mother also. The mother’s absorption is like fire, and Shukra (Semen) of the Father is gentle. When this mild Shukra is sacrificed in the firy vagina, the human - beings are created. The whole World is created, by the sacrifice, in the form of Chemical Combination of Agni and SOM. When this reaction terminates, the whole Universe is destroyed.

(25) To sacrifice the leaping organs, in the control over them. (26) To sacrifice APAN in PRAN, and PRAN in APAN, is yagna. (27) The change of Mind into speech’, after coming into PRAN, and the transfer of speech into Mind again, this process is known as Yagna.

(28) According to Swami Dayanand, "Not only the Invisible is produced by performing yagna, but even the Vayu is purified by that. In the Deeds from AGNIHOTRA to ASHWAMEDH 4 substances are sacrificed - First - Sweet smelling Kasturi and Keshar (Saffron) - Second - Sweet tasting Raw Sugar (Gud) Gul and Honey, Third - Nourishing GHEE, Milk, food etc. and Fourth - Medicine eliminating Diseases. By purifying and properly mixing, all of them, if they are sacrificed in Fire, then the Air and Water get purified.

(29) Effect of Yagna - Kund on the Speed of Space :-

The various effects in the SKY, are observed due to different offerings in the Sacrifice. If the PIT is deep, the speed of Yayu - Mandal is straight, but this happens, due to the wide and narrow pits of the large area. Hence, the Mandal from World to Heaven, is filled with small parts, of offerings of Ghee etc.

Production of Clouds by Yagna :-

Clouds are produced by Yagna. (31) Rain is produced from Clouds. (32) and the increase of Rain-fall is also produced by Clouds. (33) There is a reference of increase by the process of yagna also. (34) The temperature of the air in the Sky, increases due to Agni of Sacrifice, and thereby, more quantity of water gets accumulated. When the process of Yagna, comes to an end, the temperature of the Air, affected by Yagna, gradually diminishes, and the volume of steam in that air decreases, and Humidity slowly increases, and due to this, the clouds appear in the Sky.

Rain - fall due to Sacrifice :-

The small particles of Ghee and other offerings in Yagna, produce different gases, and the yagna produces Carbon and Dust - particles, and they unite in the clouds. When the particles of Ghee combine with the water particles, they remain on the Upper layer and accumulate there, as they are lighter in weight. (35) Dr. Hampkin has stated, that the steam particles produced by the Sacrificial Ghee, destroy the germs of Diseases.

Colonel King, the Sanitary Commissioner of Madras, had advised the students, the perform yagna, by mixing Ghee and Saffron, as the gases produced thereby, kill the

germs of Diseases. He want so far to say, that the English word, ‘HYGIENE’ was probably derived from the word ‘Havan’.

(36) In 1912 A.D., one article on ‘Havan’ was published, in "Indian Review", in which the opinion of Dr. TRILIT was given. This clearly indicates that the Sacrificial Air destroys the Diseases.

(37) In the case of Rain-fall produced by the natural reactions, the water on the surface of the World, reaches the Sky, in the form of steam, due to the reaction between the Sun and Air and it results in the Rain. Therefore, the Rain is known, as the aim of sacrifice.

(38) In yagna, all the actions take place, due to the fire, hence, ‘Agni is the producer of Rain. (39) In Yagnagni, whatever offerings are given, reach the Surya - Mandal, and make that Mandal active and thereby, the Sun carries out the process of creating the World, and producing Rain. It produces Crops. (40) The Science of yagna, is stated in Bhagwat - Geeta also - "Clouds are produced by sacrifice, they produce Rain and the food - Crops are produced by Rain. (41) Hence, Rain, Water, Food, Electricity, are the Results of sacrifice.

(42) The offerings and other substances necessary for Rain - fall:-

Only by igniting the fire the movement in the atmosphere, does not take place, and Rain is not produced, but the Ghee and similar other substances, are also necessary, for creating solidity, Heaviness, Humidity, Fluidity, Coolness etc. in the steam. All these factors are produced by the Ghee and other liquid

substances used in the sacrifice.

(43) Division of offerings in the Antariksha (SKY) :-

The spreading of offerings, in the sky, takes place, in different degrees. A very small amount reaches the Higher position. A little more than that part, reaches the middle portion; and some more than that reaches the lower portion. One AHUTI (Obligation), is divided into many forms, and is spread into the Sky. Therefore, the offerings of Sacrifice reach the World, Sky, and Heaven.

(44) Gases produced by Sacrifice :-

Carbon - Dioxide gas is produced by burning wood in yagna. Carbon - Dioxide Gas is necessary, in the World also. It is the merit of Sacrifice, that it burns the pollution, and the balance Carbon is nourishing for the young plants and Trees, and many other elements apart from Carbon, having the germs - killing power, are produced in the atmosphere. Dr. J. Lain Nahar, M.D., F.R.C.S. has stated in his book "HYGINE - 45" that, if many persons live in Rooms, and the windows are not open, the Air there gets polluted. As a result, the amount of Carbon - Dioxide increases, and the people get fainted. Its reason is not the heat, or production of Carbon - Dioxide, but, it is due to deficiency of Oxygen in Air. The dirty substances produced by the breaths and skin of the Human - beings and beasts, die in the air. The following experiment was carried out for this - The Carbon - dioxide was removed from the air, and the gas produced from the breath of men, was preserved, and the Rat was kept in that. It proved that the gas exhaled by the man, was more poisonous than Carbon-Dioxide. But by burning Ghee substances in the sacrifice, the minute particles of Agni, are produced. And, the medicinal substances,

used in the yagna, destroy, the destructive portion, present in the Carbon - dioxide, that is produced.

(46) Dr. Hafifan of France, states that the germs of many diseases, die, by burning the Ghee in Sacrifice.

(47) Dr. SATYAPRAKASH, D.Sc., analysed scientifically, the offering substances, in Agnihotra yagna, and concluded that, the FORMALDEHYDE gas is produced, in that. Without making any change, this gas mixes in the atmosphere, and to a certain extent, it gets transformed into "Carbon Dioxide Formaldehyde". Lue & Kisar proved that Formaldehyde is a strong pesticide, which saves the substances from decaying. Kembiyar and Bronchet have proved by tests, that this Gas destroys the germs of dust. When Stalar and Riēdil prepared its 40 percent solution (40% solution), and tested it, the Typhus - B Colard and Colan germs, died in less than ten minutes.

(48) The water effected with Formaldehyde, is sprayed around, and it is preserved in utensils also.

(49) Prevention of Diseases by Sacrifice :-

Dr. Kundanlal SAMANDI, has written in his book "Yadna-Chikitsa" that Tuberculosis can be cured by this method. (50) He tested the sacrificial Gas. He took twelve glass test-tubes. Two test-tubes were filled with 6 (six) - substances like milk, flesh etc. and their ends were closed. The six test-tubes were filled with Sacrificial Gas, and their months also were closed. The result was that, the test tubes containing milk, flesh etc.

produced decay, while those containing Sacrificial Gas, got rottened after a pretty long time. Thus, the Sacrificial Air protects decaying process, even more than the pure air, containing Oxygen, from the Garden. He has also written, that if medicine to destroy T.B. is prepared, it will have more effect on the decayed lungs, due to the Tuberculosis Germs.

Purification of Water by Sacrifice :-

When the offerings of nourishing, sweet smelling, medicinal juices, together with Ghee, Honey etc. are given, their steam reaches the Sky, and it combines with the sewage present there, and destroys the garbage particles, and that steam contains nourishing, scented, medicinal materials.

Purification of Air by Sacrifice :-

The Sacrificial Gas is the purifier also. The poisonous gas emitted by smoke, petrol, Diesel, Gas etc. from factories, pollutes the atmosphere. The present Scientists guess, that if the Sky is not purified, the horrible situation will arise.

(51) In vaidic Vijnan, the method of purifying the Sky, is known as Sacrifice.

References :-

1. Sha.Bra. 1.1.1,2

2. Ta. Bra. 12.5.2

3. Sha.Bra.

4. Sha.Bra.

5. Tai.Sam. 1,3,10,10

6. Sha.Bra.,

7. Sha.Bra.

8. Sha.Bra.

9. Sha.Bra.

10. Sha.Bra.

11. Sha.Bra.

12. Sha.Bra.

13. Sha.Bra.1.7.1,8

14. Tai.Bra.

15. Sha.Bra.

16. Kau. 17.7

17. Sha.Bra. 1,3.4.16

18. Shraut Yadnyo Ka Sankshipta Parichay Pru. 62

19. Run. Sam.

20. Sha.Bra.

.21. Shu. Yaju. 33,43

22. Shrimat Bhagwat Gi. 0.17 Manu. 1.72,73

23. Pravrutamegnistu Yaha Prokta

24. Sha. Bra.

25. Gita -

26. Gita. 4.26

27. Gita. 4.29

28. Kramo Yadnyaha

29. Rugvedadi Bhashya Bhumika Pru.61

30. Yaju. 6.16

31. Gita...

32. Gita....

33. Yaju. 1.16

34. Yaju. 18,19

35. Vaidic Sampada Pru. 396

(36) Mahavir Swaroop Ke Siddhant Me Mudrit Lekh - 32 per cent, from the smoke of Pine Tree Wood (Chid Vruksha) Shuddha Khand.

(37) From the Shahbul wood, 35% and by burning 70% ‘ALDEHYDE’ is obtained. This gas destroys many diseases. It is used to clean the rooms of the Patients.

38. Yaju. 34.14

39. Yaju. 22,19

40. Manusmruti

41. Gita 3.14

42. Yaju. 28.39

45. Da.Je. Len Nahar. 1. Hygiene,

46. Yadnyashakti. Kanapha Prakashan Pa. 12.14

47. Saraswati, Aktubar 1919

48. Yadnya Shakti, Kanpur Prakashan Pru. 14

49. Da. Kundan Lal Yadnya Chikitsa

50. Yadnyashakti

Tag Names : Upnishad,Yajurved,Ved
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1 The Scientific Analysis of Vedas Samaveda
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